Opinion: The Twitter Celebration - It's About Reunion
It isn't about who controls Twitter...it's about throwing out the trickery and having an honest family-conversation.
If Conservatives seem to be overly giddy about Elon Musk's recent buyout of Twitter please realize this: for many years, those on the Right have been engaged in a cultural war against a small, but determined cadre of very clever and very sick individuals intent on dividing the good people of this country.
Those anti-american operatives have employed every concievable method of manipulating well-meaning people into believing it is virtuous to admire that which is evil and noble to reject that which is good.
Conservatives have resisted those people for many decades and they've morned each time another good-hearted American was lost to their seduction.
Those patriots have been ridiculed for holding the line against that moral decay...often-times by those they loved most. But they did hold the line and they've pushed back.
The manipulators have been steadily losing control of public perceptions and Twitter was among the last and most powerful tools at their disposal.
This temporary hoopla on Twitter is not about who controls that platform and it's not about hate of any kind...it is about the joy of breaking a potent spell that's kept genuinely good people apart from the equally good people they love.